1.  Among his peers, only Jack Benny was more adept at milking a laugh than Groucho.

2.  Being adept at the set conversation piece he managed to extract the relevant data without ever putting his knife in it.

3.  But they would not be so rich if they were not adept at minimising tax and maximising profits.

4.  By contrast he is equally adept at setting a tone of meditative rapture in the slower movements.

5.  Dole has been more adept at seizing photo opportunities in his out-of-town forays.

6.  Housing activists argue the agency could sell more houses if it were more adept at reaching its target Market.

7.  Jim Keith was particularly adept at this, and everybody sought his advice.

8.  Many are highly adept at adding up their calorie intake.

9.  They are adept at arranging huge loans, underwriting stock offerings and putting together multinational mergers.

10.  The government is more than adept at ploughing its own diplomatic furrow.

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